Pony Tie | Synthetic Hair Piece

Color R10/14 R101 R12/14 R14/16 R14/24 R16/100 R16/22 R17/101 R18 R18/22 R18/24H R1B R2/4 R20F R22 R24 R24/18BT R25/88 R25F R27 R30 R32F R33 R34 R36F R38 R4/6 R4/8 R51 R6/10 R6/27H R60 R8/12 R9/12 RH1488 RH268 RH31 RT27/30 RT613/27 R16/88H

Get a stylish up-do in seconds with the Ponytie by . It's a quick and fun alternative to spending your day at the salon. The ponytie is lightweight, easy to use and is the perfect complement to your hair.